momesa's Achievements
- Played it Play a word
- Level Up! Get Level 1 on a word
- Level Up! 2 Get Level 2 on a word
- Level Up! 3 Get Level 3 on a word
- Top Dog Top the leaderboard
- If at first you don't succeed... Attempt over 10 words
- Nailed it! Get the high score on a word
- 100 not out Get an overall score of over 100 points
- Noob no more Reach rank 1
- Pwned Lose 5 challenges
- You're a winner Win a challenge
- You talkin' to me? Accept a challenge
- Ready. Fight Challenge someone and have it accepted
- It's the end of the league as we know it. Be at the top of the all time leaderboard at the end of the year.
- It's the end of the (yearly)league as we know it. Be at the top of the yearly leaderboard at the end of the year.